Today is a day to live.
Strong words for someone who is weak.

Have you ever woke up from a restful sleep and had no idea what you were going to do for that day? For some, this brings a fear that they just want to hide back under their covers. I sit here and ponder that question. Do I really just sit there in the morning wondering what will happen for this day? Or do I say, "Lord, here I am... may I be still and know that you are God. This is your day. I give it to You."

I think a lot of the time we get wrapped up in everything we have to do. We already made a list for the list that we taped on our alarm clock so that we would not forget to call such and such for that very important appointment. How often do we... how often do I just still and be still. God gave me today to live for Him so I should live today and let him guide it.

I often over analyze everything, and for once I want to give that control of lists over to God so that he can handle today.

How will you control your "today"? Will you let it be a fear that controls you? Live today for Him because today is a day to Live.

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