I call her mom.

Happy Mother’s day to all the Mom’s out there! A special shout out of LOVE to my mom, Marcelle!!!
She is one of my best friends and greatest role models/inspiration! I love her and love who she is!
Some things she has taught me through out the years…
Make sure your outfit matches (this includes your shoes)
Always try to look your best… you never know who you will run into.
It’s always good to start your day with a little mocha mocha and feet up by the fireplace.
Always find a good deal! My mom is the best bargain finder!
Do your best and accept what happens… because everything happens for a reason.
It’s ok to plan ahead.
You can use your rear view mirror to help you drive.
Always put 10% of your money towards tithes and part to savings.
Never go to Hobby Lobby with the guys. What could be a 2 hour trip may only end up being 5 minutes.
You have to try on every pair of sunglasses and pair of shoes you love… go for Comfort!
Be hospitable to everyone. Serve those you care for and give to those in need.
Lead others and God will Lead You!
And most important… to LOVE Jesus, LOVE Family, and LOVE Others…

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